• Sri Agastiya Maha Siva Naadi Astrological Centre, Vaitheeswaran koil.
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Sri Agastiya Maha Siva Naadi Astrological Centre,
Naadi Astrologer K.Sakthivinoth,
Vaitheeswaran Koil.


The Rishis of Ancient India Applied their minds and discovered many arts and sciences for the well-being of future generations of mankind. One such science is Astrology. There are several branches in Astrology vizHoroscopy., i.e. casting and reading horoscopes based on the Positions of planets at the time of birth of a Person and the movements of the Planets across the Zodiac.

This is a well developed science as evidenced from ancient manuscripts like Brihatsamhita, JathakaPaarijatha etc. Palmistry, Numerology and Naadi reading are the other disciplines. Experiences our family has so far and feed back from our clientele makes us to learn that the predictions being expounded through the records of palm leaves we preserve, aptly suits to the natives only 80 percent that is too only to 80 percent of the total visitors.

The remedies being prescribed here in the holy script including the temple poojas are left to the sheer choice of the individuals concerned.


History of Nadi Astrology

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Why Nadi Astrology?

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Nadi Astrology Procedure

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Online Nadi Reading

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  • Vinoth Kumar Vinoth Kumar, Trichy

    This is my first visit. Before I have not gone to any astrologer. In the beginning I could not believe the ‘Nadi’. But after interacting with the same time Nadi Reader. I started believing him. Whatever he said it was correct. I listened “Sukshma Nadi” I am very much happy after listening it. I am 100% convinced. I would like to continue my relations with him forever.

  • Subramanian Subramanian, Chennai

    I have come here from 1990 onwards about 20 times always finding it rewarding, helpful in chatting future plus and many times getting several surprising accuracies.

  • Manikandan Manikandan, Bangalore

    We came here out of curiosity to know about this. We had heard many praises about this school of knowledge and we are quite satisfied by the results. It all seems very amazing and interesting. Thanks.
